Roux-en-Y gastric bypass better than gastric banding for rapid and safe weight loss

Source: MedicalNewsToday

A study published Online First by Archives of Surgery compared the effectiveness of two common forms of treatment for excessive weight gain: Roux-en-Y gastric bypass (RYGBP) and gastric banding (GB). The researchers found that for more sustainable and rapid weight loss, RYGBP is the better form of treatment.

In relation to the treatment of other comorbidities – other existing illnesses among the patients – RYBGP was also found to be more successful. Cholesterol levels in those who received GB remained unchanged, but those who received RYBGP saw a notable decrease. The lipid profile for those after RYGBP was "significantly better" after five years than for those in the GB group, as well as a lower mean fasting glucose level.


Please note that the information in this website is an educational resource, and should not be used for decisions about any obesity surgery or management. All such decisions must be made in consultation with a surgeon or your healthcare provider.
  • American Society for Metabolic & Bariatric Surgery
  • The American Board of Surgery
  • American Medical Association